“Today I was doing some work with a saw. I forgot to eat once again so after a few hours I felt weakness. I cut my left hand's fingers quite deeply, the blood was flowing out. In that moment my sensations outran my mind. There was nothing left between me and the box then.
So that means it is possible. And maybe I can extend that moment. Working disconnects thinking and the substance overruns the idea. By following that craftsman's steps I can restore that direct link to reality; to arrive at his world of no uncertainty and conditionality.“

The work was exhibited in Azay- le Rideau, Angers, France,  in exhibition "L’ORIGINE D’UN MONDE" http://originedunmonde.com/portfolio/viktorija-peleckaite/

and in Nida's Art Colony in the exhibition “The Quarters of The Chess City” http://nidacolony.lt/lt/parodos/achmat-miesto-kvartalai-2012-07


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